Angel on Grey
Project Description:
Spread your wings and fly with ideas that come to life on Grafix Grey Craft Plastic!
Designed by: Charna Katz
Difficulty: Moderate
• Grafix Grey Craft Plastic
• Paper
• Holbein Artist Colored Pencil 12 Pack
• Holbein Meltz Colored Pencil Blender
• Black thin paint marker
• White thin Paint Marker
• Papermate Flair Metalic
• Erasable Colored Pencil
Steps to Make This:
1) Sketch out your design on a sheet of paper
2) Using your sketch as a reference copy the design to the Grey Craft Plastic using erasable colored pencils
3) Using the Holbein Colored pencils and blender start adding in color from lightest tone to dark tone layering on top of each other and blending where needed
4) If Metalic placement is needed now add in your metalics
5) Use the Black Paint marker to outline your design, this will make the color pop even further against the gray background
6) Use the White Ink pen to add highlights to work