Grafix Shrink Film Garden Markers
Project Description: Remember what you planted with these adorable Shrink Film Garden Markers.
Designed by: Natasha Dzurny
Difficulty: Easy
- Grafix White Shrink Film (1 sheet per marker) or Grafix Sanded Shrink Film
- 400 Grit Sandpaper
- Colored Pencils
- Permanent Marker
- Popsicle Sticks
- Scissors or X-Acto Knife
- Oven or Heat Gun
- Hot Glue & Glue Gun
- Printed Image of Vegetables (Optional)
- Gel Medium or Modge Podge (Optional)
Steps to Make This:
- Start by sanding Grafix White Shrink Film with 400 grit sandpaper to allow the colored pencils to mark it.
- Print the vegetable designs, or draw a design of your own.
- Place the sanded Shrink Film over the printed design and trace it with a permanent marker.
- Color the design with colored pencils.
- Use scissors or an X-Acto knife to cut out the shape, leaving an even white border around the edge.
- Follow the instructions on the packaging to shrink the plastic using your heating method of choice (oven or heat gun).
- Glue the finished design to the Popsicle stick with hot glue.
- If you want to add a protective shine to your markers you can add either a gel medium or Modge Podge to the designs.
- Place the sticks in your planter to mark the vegetables that you planted.