Summer Time Collage
Project Description: Splash into simmer with this refreshing summer time collage!
Designed by: Tami Sanders
Difficulty: Moderately Difficult
Grafix Monoprint Plates
Grafix Rub-Onz
Clearsnap: Pigment Ink Refill Bottles: Orchid, Mango
Tango, Sunflower, Daffodil, Canary and Marigold and
ColorBox Art Wheel and Handle -
Beacon Adhesives: Zip Dry
65 lb. white paper
Paper Towels with Textured Pattern
Frame with Mat with 5 X 7 opening
Spritz Bottle
Bone Folder
Optional: Heat Gun
Steps to Make This:
NOTE: Heat Gun can be used to speed up dry time of prints; pigment ink is slow drying.
1. Remove front and back protective liner from a Monoprint Plate.
2. Spritz the plate lightly with water to help the pigment inks move and blend easier.
3. Add about 10 – 1 to 1 ½” long lines of ink randomly to plate using: Orchid, Mango Tango and Canary inks.
4. Use the art wheel to begin to gently blend inks and spread them over the plate being careful not to over
5. Place Mini Parasols stencil over inked plate.
6. Place sheet of paper on top of inked plate and smooth gently with your fingers to transfer ink. Be careful
not to move paper.
7. For stencils with small areas, like the parasol stencil, you may need to go over paper using bone folder to
impress and transfer finer details. You can check ink transfer by gently lifting corner of paper.
8. Set aside print to dry.
9. Carefully remove stencil and place another piece of paper on top of inked surface.
10. Smooth with fingers to transfer ink to make “ghost print”.
11. Set aside print to dry.
12. Clean plate.
1. Repeat steps {2-4} in Monoprint #1 using same inks, but more pink than yellow or orange.
2. Repeat step {5} using Mini Herringbone stencil.
3. Repeat steps {6-12} above.
1. Repeat steps {2-4} in Monoprint #1 using Canary, Daffodil and Marigold inks.
2. Use cap of one of the inks to make circle designs in ink.
3. Repeat step {6} in in Monoprint #1.
4. Set print aside to dry.
5. Clean plate and ink with swirls of Daffodil ink; use paintbrush to gently spread inked design.
6. Place a textured paper towel over inked plate and gently press to transfer design.
7. Place sheet of paper on top of inked plate and smooth gently with your fingers to transfer ink. Be
careful not to move paper.
8. Set aside paper to dry.
1. Cut out a portion of the ghost print made using the parasol stencil and place at center under opening of
2. Cut out a piece of the Monoprint made using the herringbone stencil and place it at the bottom of the
opening of the mat.
3. Cut out a piece of the Monoprint made using the paper towel and place it at the top of the opening of
the mat.
4. Adjust pieces so that the entire open area of the mat is covered.
5. Cut out a few leftover parasols from the ghost print and add to yellow portion at top of collage.
6. Cut out a few leftover parasols fromMonoprint and add to collage.
7. Cut an arrow out of the ghost print made with the herringbone stencil and place at bottom left on top
of mat.
8. Once happy with placement of items, adhere to back and front of mat using Zip Dry.
RUB-ONZ Embellishment:
1. Use Microsoft Publisher and Rub-Onz to create customWashi tape to accent your project.
2. Open new document and use “shape” tool and select “rectangle” to drawWashi tape pieces.
3. Then click “shape fill” and select “texture” from pull down menu to add designs to rectangles. Click
“background” and “foreground” to select colors to match your project.
Summer Monoprint Collage4. Follow directions on Rub-Onz package to create your customWashi tape Rub-Onz.
1. Use Microsoft Publisher and Computer Grafix Inkjet Clear to create a custom overlay for your collage.
2. Open new document and select “size” under page design tab. choose ” 8 X 10 vertical” from drop down
3. Select “picture placeholder” under insert tab to add opening in mat.
4. Use settings at upper right of screen to create a 5 X 7 vertical mat. Drag mat to center of 8 X 10. This will
help with placement of wording.
5. Select “draw text box” and add boxes at upper left and bottom of 8 X 10 making sure they do not
extend into the 5 X 7 opening.
6. Add wording in text boxes and change: font, size and color to match your colors and project.
7. Print overlay using directions on Computer Grafix packaging.
8. Place overlay over collage and mark where it overhangs; trim excess.
Stack from top down: glass, overlay, collage and any backing, then place and secure in frame.