Project Description:
Decorate 9 x 12 Dura-Lar Matte film using gel plate mono prints and foil. Layering slabs of color over each other in a simple abstract design. Then adding metallic foil accents to create attractive and easy to make decorative patio lanterns.
Designed by:Celia Buchanan
Difficulty: Easy
Grafix Matte Dura-Lar 9” x 12”
• Amsterdam Standard Acrylics
• Metallic Foil
• Gel Mono Printing Plate 8 x 10”of larger
• Brayer
• Single hole punch
• Scissors
• Double sided tape
White Gel Pen
Steps to Make This:
1. Brayer the lightest colors onto the Gel Plate. Place the double side Matte Film onto the plate as shown. Move the sheet around the plate adding slabs of random color. Allow to dry and repeat with different colors layering (ideally transparent colors) as you go. Print enough sheets to make as many patio lanterns as you need.
2. Once dry cut the film lengthways into two strips. Using double sided tape add random strips to the printed side of the film. Then using a colored metallic foil of your choice rub the foil onto the glue as shown.
3. Make a cylinder with the film and secure the edge with about an inch of double-sided tape. Press the edges firmly together.
4. Using a single hole punch, make two holes opposite each other in the film cylinder. Then with a pair of scissors snip a slit into the top part of the film down to the hole to allow the wire to be passed through.
5. Now all you need to do is hang them and enjoy.