Your Source for Creative Plastic Films.

Tie-Dye Rainbow Hair Comb

Project Description: DIY your own tie-dye rainbow hair comb with Grafix Shrink Film.

  • grafix - b4 and after 600x600

Designed by: Tami Sanders

Difficulty: Easy


Steps to Make This:

  1. Print out comb template and tape to work surface.
  2. Tape shrink film shiny side up over comb template.
  3. Trace pattern just OUTSIDE the lines using a permanent pen.
  4. Continue tracing until the entire pattern has been outlined.
  5. Remove shrink film from the work surface and turn over to the sanded side.
  6. Begin filling in patterns with colored pencils in your choice of design.
  7. No need to stay within the lines when you are filling in the design.
  8. When you have finished coloring in your comb, cut out just inside the pattern lines.
  9. Bake as directed to shrink: left – before baking, right – after
  • Grafix
  • Your Source for Creative Plastic Films
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    Maple HeightsOhio 44137
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