Grafix Lesson Plan: Lesson 7
Project Description: The student will draw the facial features on Grafix Shrink film.
Designed by: Virginia Berthelot
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
- Grafix Clear or Super Sanded Shrink Film
- Paper and pencil for sketching
- Permanent markers for use with Clear Shrink Film
- Colored pencils for use with Super Sanded Shrink Film
- Canvas board or art paper (65 lb. or more) for display
- Glue (Elmer’s or E600)
Steps to Make This:
- Share the biography of Pablo Picasso and samples of his portrait paintings.
- Using a mirror, have the students sketch out each face feature individually as they see it.
- Next put their sketch under the Clear Shrink Film or Super Sanded Shrink Film and use permanent markers or colored pencils to trace and color their facial features.
- Cut out features and shrink according to package instructions.
- On a background surface have students place and outline where they want to place their features. And then design the rest of their cubist portrait.
- When finished with their portrait background, glue down their features.
- Display portraits and have a class critique.