Metallic Ink and Color Shift on Grafix Opaque Black Film
Project Description: Create stunning effects on Grafix Opaque Black Film with metallic and iridescent alcohol inks.
Designed by: Julie Olson
Difficulty: Easy
- Grafix .010” Opaque Black Craft Plastic 9×12” Film
- Marabu Color-Shift Glitter Alcohol Ink – Glitter Violet-Blue-Green, .67 fluid oz., 1 (or 2)
- Jacquard Piñata Alcohol Ink Metallic in Brass, .5 oz bottle
- Krylon Kamar Varnish
- Krylon UV Archival Varnish Satin
- 91% Isopropyl Alcohol or Ranger Alcohol Blending Solution
- Heat tool
- Paper towels
- Plastic sheeting or garbage bag(s)
Steps to Make This:
- On a flat surface, add 3 layers of paper towels, lay your 9” x 12” Grafix Opaque Black Craft Plastic Film on top. Cover the surface area with plastic sheeting or garbage bag(s) first.
- From the upper right corner to the lower-left corner of the surface, carefully pour a slightly wavy line of alcohol 2-3” wide. (Do not flood the paper).
- Shake well the bottle of Glitter Ink. Start dropping it into alcohol from corner to corner; if the ink isn’t coming out easily, open the bottle, and very carefully pour the ink onto the surface.
- Use a heat tool to carefully move the alcohol and ink together, keeping a wavy line 3-5 inches wide from the upper right corner to the lower-left corner. Don’t worry if ink goes too far or off the page; you can clean it off the surface with a small piece of the paper towel wet with alcohol. Add more ink and/or alcohol as needed to create a composition that you like. (Please be aware of holding heat tool in one place too long as it can start to warp and even burn the surface).
- Wait one-two minutes. The Glitter ink will still be wet. While waiting, shake the Piñata Metallic Brass ink bottle. Look at the composition of your painting to find 3 areas to add the Metallic Brass.
- In one location at a time, add several drops of alcohol, then a few drops of metallic ink. The ratio of alcohol to metallic ink is about 4:1. Be careful not to use too much. Use more alcohol if Metallic Brass isn’t moving easily.
- Working quickly, use a heat tool to move Metallic Brass ink around the Glitter ink, moving it into the black surface in places, to create a handsome composition. Add more alcohol and metallic brass as desired. When you are satisfied with the composition, stop.
- Tear a paper towel into quarters, fold one piece in half, and add alcohol to the corner. Use to clean errant ink off the black surface. Repeat as needed.
- Let your masterpiece dry for at least 2 hours.
- In a well-ventilated area, Lay down plastic sheeting or garbage bag(s), then a couple of layers of paper towels. Place your art on top. Make sure to remove dust from the black areas of your painting.