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Metallic Ink and Color Shift on Grafix Opaque Black Film

Project Description: Create stunning effects on Grafix Opaque Black Film with metallic and iridescent alcohol inks.

Designed by: Julie Olson

Difficulty: Easy


  • Grafix .010” Opaque Black Craft Plastic 9×12” Film
  • Marabu Color-Shift Glitter Alcohol Ink – Glitter Violet-Blue-Green, .67 fluid oz., 1 (or 2)
  • Jacquard Piñata Alcohol Ink Metallic in Brass, .5 oz bottle
  • Krylon Kamar Varnish
  • Krylon UV Archival Varnish Satin
  • 91% Isopropyl Alcohol or Ranger Alcohol Blending Solution
  • Heat tool
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic sheeting or garbage bag(s)

Steps to Make This:

  1. On a flat surface, add 3 layers of paper towels, lay your 9” x 12” Grafix Opaque Black Craft Plastic Film on top. Cover the surface area with plastic sheeting or garbage bag(s) first.
  2. From the upper right corner to the lower-left corner of the surface, carefully pour a slightly wavy line of alcohol 2-3” wide. (Do not flood the paper).
  3. Shake well the bottle of Glitter Ink. Start dropping it into alcohol from corner to corner; if the ink isn’t coming out easily, open the bottle, and very carefully pour the ink onto the surface.
  4. Use a heat tool to carefully move the alcohol and ink together, keeping a wavy line 3-5 inches wide from the upper right corner to the lower-left corner. Don’t worry if ink goes too far or off the page; you can clean it off the surface with a small piece of the paper towel wet with alcohol. Add more ink and/or alcohol as needed to create a composition that you like. (Please be aware of holding heat tool in one place too long as it can start to warp and even burn the surface).
  5. Wait one-two minutes. The Glitter ink will still be wet. While waiting, shake the Piñata Metallic Brass ink bottle. Look at the composition of your painting to find 3 areas to add the Metallic Brass.
  6. In one location at a time, add several drops of alcohol, then a few drops of metallic ink. The ratio of alcohol to metallic ink is about 4:1. Be careful not to use too much. Use more alcohol if Metallic Brass isn’t moving easily.
  7. Working quickly, use a heat tool to move Metallic Brass ink around the Glitter ink, moving it into the black surface in places, to create a handsome composition. Add more alcohol and metallic brass as desired. When you are satisfied with the composition, stop.
  8. Tear a paper towel into quarters, fold one piece in half, and add alcohol to the corner. Use to clean errant ink off the black surface. Repeat as needed.
  9. Let your masterpiece dry for at least 2 hours.
  10. In a well-ventilated area, Lay down plastic sheeting or garbage bag(s), then a couple of layers of paper towels. Place your art on top. Make sure to remove dust from the black areas of your painting.
  • Grafix
  • Your Source for Creative Plastic Films
  • 5800 Pennsylvania Ave.
    Maple HeightsOhio 44137
  • Phone: 216-581-9050
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