Shrink Plastic Jewelry Using Coloring Pages
Project Description: Create your own customized jewelry using your favorite coloring book and Grafix Shrink Film as seen from Make It Artsy.
Designed by: Julie Fei-Fan Balzer
Difficulty: Easy
- Grafix Clear Shrink Film
- Coloring Book
- Sakura Souffle Pens
- Heat Resistant Surface
- Heat Gun
- Scissors
- Hole Punch/Self Healing Mat
- Earring Hooks
- Optional: Bamboo Skewer, rubbing alcohol & paper towel
Steps to Make This:
- Place the Clear Shrink Film from Grafix over an image from a coloring book.
- Trace the coloring book image. Allow the ink to dry.
- Color the image in using both the transparent Sakura Glaze Pen and the opaque Sakura Souffle Pens. Note: If you find the ink is beading up, use some rubbing alcohol to clean that area.
- Once you’re satisfied with the image, cut it out.
- Punch a hole for the earring hook.
- Place the Shrink Film on top of the heat resistant surface. Use a heat gun to shrink it. You may want to use a bamboo skewer or other tool to hold the shrink plastic in place.
- Once it’s shrunk and cooled, place an earring hook through the hole.